Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Of Course You Missed the Sermon

Rev. Snyder told me once that during the time his children were small, his wife didn't hear his sermons for years.

I'm pretty sure she was at church.
I'm pretty sure any parents reading this don't need me to explain why she missed the sermons.

I hope you know that if you miss Aron's sermons, much of the time you have the good fortune of being able to read them on his blog.

His Easter sermon is there and is well worth the read.

1 comment:

sara said...

hi, monica,

my answering machine cut off your message. I would be interested in talking about VBS, but I can't commit yet as I don't know when my summer training will be for work.

and when I taught sunday school at St. John the Divine, I don't think I ever heard a sermon. In fact, I can't remember a single sermon I heard there, but I remember the chapel of sacred geometry and the sunday school room in the crypt (!!).