Monday, October 29, 2007


I enjoyed little evidences yesterday of my kids picking up on things from church, engaging with them, and enjoying them:
  • a comment about why they selected a can of pears to bring for the food basket: because they (the recipients) don't have to cook them (I think we talked about this being a relevant issue for some of the recipients once).
  • a question about the location of a favorite coloring sheet (may I add, with pride & gratification, that I drew this particular coloring sheet)
  • attentiveness to the drummer who played for the gospel procession (I probably don't have the right word for that)
  • a question about when we could walk the labyrinth again (it was way back at Lent that we had the labyrinth at church.)
  • the craning and moving around to be able to see what was going on when Aron invited all the kids up to participate in a baptism
  • my kids' interest and great fun in interacting with another child at church and Sunday School
  • one of my kids taking the initiative to write great-grandparents' names on a ribbon stick being prepared for next Sunday's All Saints observance. (I had mentioned doing that, but I think only briefly once, maybe another time at home, but it was done without further direction or assistance, even in spelling the names!)

I also enjoyed the fact that my kids' behavior was better than usual during church today (let's hope we're making genuine progress, not just hitting good luck for a day)

AND I got to interact and visit with another parent more than usual. It was a pleasure to visit and to make an acquaintance a little better acquaintance.

It was a good day.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Community with Aquaintances

Thoughts about relationships at church, or limitations thereof, with parenting as a contributing factor to both the problem & the need, posted on my other blog: A Grown-up In Church.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Seeking Spirit Sparks

What do I hear, what do I see?

God, there is so much that happens all at once in a group of kids in Sunday School. I don't think I can multi-task well enough to take it all in. As I'm working with the group, help me notice the things that are most important. What energizes each of the kids? Which ones are having trouble engaging? What's going on at those times? Help me understand what underlies those dynamics - what makes these kids tick? What are their wants, needs, interests, questions? How can I respond to these insights to help make their time at church time that will serve their spiritual lives well now and throughout their lives?

Saying More by Saying Less

No surprise to people who know kids: you loose their attention so fast when you talk.

However, talking is one of my most natural modes of communication. I often use an excessive amount of words when I do it, even for conversations with adults.

During Sunday School I try to engage kids in active participation. We have some routines they know & respond to well. I add some energy, some theatrics, hands on stuff, visual stuff, cues to maintain focus...still sometimes I find myself talking when it seems no one is listening.

I watch my kids' teachers and I'm impressed. I watch them on purpose to try to pick up on their techniques.

I want to find more & better ways to say more while saying less.

Monday, October 15, 2007

In Session

It's been too long since I've written.

Meanwhile, my neighbor & I made a set of ribbon sticks that seemed to be make a good first run during the rally Sunday procession.

What I hope will be a new tradition has started and Aron has read a few good kid's books related to the day's gospel during Sunday morning services. Kids seem engaged in listening. One book in particular elicited a spontaneous positive comment from one of my kids. I always like the spontaneous feedback.

Sunday School is under way. I've noticed some particular interest in certain Sunday School activities. For example, on the way to Sunday School I've heard, "I'll do the thanks be to God part."

So, this is good and we'll carry on.