Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Freedom Follow Up

After I wrote Freedom one of the songs I sing with kids stuck home.

One of the songs we sing in Sunday School says "I'm gonna sing when the Spirit says sing."
We do all kinds of verses: pray....clap....dance...

Well, let me tell you....I don't.
I often don't clap when the Spirit says clap or dance when the Spirit says dance, etc.,
especially not in church (of all places!)...or if I do I keep it mild there.
I feel too self conscious. People would notice & watch & think who knows what.

I'd like to visit a charismatic type church every now and then, just for it to be easier to let loose.

Kids are a little more free than adults when it comes to doing what the Spirit says like this.
How can we make sure not to quench that in them?
How can we be better models for them?
How can we let them be models for us?

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