Sunday, May 06, 2007

Godly Play Experiment

Lasts week's Scripture readings were just too perfect a fit for the Godly Play presentation of the Good Shepherd not to use it, since I've been wanting to work into Godly Play anyway.

So, I made myself a set of materials as close as I could come to what I was supposed to have, practiced the story & did it. I was amazed at how well my kids responded to the materials when I was working with them at home, and how they paid attention during the presentation. Well, most of the time anyway. I do have to admit that one kid (yes, my own) degenerated into potty mouth talk at one point.

They wanted to work with the materials. They had ideas about how they should be arranged. It almost seemed like they were already familiar with the sheep & shepherd story. My kids each attended a year of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at another church so I asked about if they had heard about the topic before and if so where. The answer wasn't very clear....something like "I can't really explain it." So, I conclude either this is stuff that is very graspable, or more likely, they absorbed it previously without really being able to identify when and where. Of course this is happening to them all the time, but its interesting to see likely evidence of it. I only hope they are absorbing as little bad or troublesome stuff as possible and and lots of good and helpful stuff.

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