Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bumpy Sunday

My time at church on Sunday was frustrating. Nothing horrible happened. It was just a string of things that were a bit off.

I got to church late...
...the exits and entrances for Children's Church were disjointed...
...kids were scattered when they shouldn't have been...
...I was poorly prepared which in Murphy's law style correlated to having a large group if kids this week vs the small group I had the week before when I was much better prepared (though of course large numbers of kids and good preparation are always both good things)...
...I couldn't remember names that I should know by now...
...there was a misunderstanding to sort out...
...my own kids got involved in helping me tell the story in a way that I didn't (and don't) know how I should best handle...
...we lost a sharp pin...
...I forgot the matches to light the candle...
...the story telling materials ended up in a jumble...
...just as someone wanted to lock the main door I was dashing in and out trying to help find a child who had apparently made an unreported "detour"...
...I was loosing my patience with my own kids who couldn't seem to respond appropriately to my directions to help clean up the kids' area...
... and by the time I got that all taken care of we were the last ones out of the church ...
...and I had about an hour to pick up lunch (my first meal of the day), get home, eat it and get to work.

"How are you?" a co-worker asked.
Response: "I'm not firing on all cylinders." I felt very tired.

Hopefully I'll suceed in getting tuned up this week.

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