Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Loaves, Fishes, Breakfast Bars & Jesus Bread

Sunday a child had a cereal bar at church. (Okay, let's be was one of MY children....and no, I didn't manage to sit them down to eat before church....but I usually do and church was an hour early and...well, you don't need to hear all about it...)

The child with the cereal bar, with adult encouragement, offered some to another child.

As the child with cereal bar broke a piece off and gave it to another child the image reminded me of a celebrant breaking a piece of bread and offering it to a person receiving communion.

But that's not even the most cool part.

When I asked if they knew what it reminded me of when they broke off a piece of the bar and gave it to the other child, an 8 year old piped in and said:

Jesus. Jesus giving people what they need.

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