I attended part of the Bishop's
Committee meeting at church last night to talk with them about my work in ministry to children and families.
Thank you to them for having me, for their interaction with me and their support.
As the people on the Bishop's
Committee know from what I presented to them, some important things have happened since I last blogged (which has been way too long ago.) As a result I'm thinking, talking, planning about ways to invest my time and energy differently in
ministry to children and families.
I think one of the big things is that I need to free up time for relationship building. I also have lots of other ideas, but I need to work out which of those things I'll pursue and how I'll pursue them. I think dealing with those questions within the context of stronger and more extensive relationships with people at church will be important.
I've heard that insanity is doing the same things over and over while expecting different results. I'm looking for different ways to do things in the hope of improved results.